Release Information :-
Release-Title:————[ Magic.2014.Duels.Of.The.Planeswalkers-KaOs ]
Language:—————–[ English ]-
Archive/Count/Volume:—–[ RAR 34x15 MEG = 480 MB ]-
Release/Date:————-[ 26-06-2013 ]-
Ripped/Packed:————[ KaOsKrew ]-
Iso/Crack:—————-[ SKIDROW ]-
Ripped/Removed:———–[ Nothing ]-
Movie/Recode:————-[ 50% ]-
Audio/Recode:————-[ Rebuild ]-
Texture/Recode:———–[ None ]-
Drivers/Extras:———–[ DX, VcRedist, ]-
Description :-
Become a Planeswalker and travel the planes of existence unleashing a torrent of spells and creatures to devastate your opponents. Prove yourself in combat against Chandra Nalaar-a fiercely independent Planeswalker with an affinity for fire and quick temper-then battle your way through the planes to face the mysterious villain trying to pull Chandra’s strings.
Features :-
The best way to learn to play Magic: A detailed tutorial makes it easy to get started.
Deck building: Open virtual booster packs of Magic cards to build decks and battle in single-player and multiplayer modes.
Hours of game play: Discover 10 new decks, each with many new cards to unlock, plus campaigns to complete, encounters to overcome, and challenges to decipher.
Screenshots :-
Single Links :-
Hugefiles :-
180Upload :-
BillionUpload :-
Putlocker :-
Installation :-
Step-1:——-[ UnRAR Yourself Or Use Our Install.exe ]
Step-2:——-[ Run ~Unpack~.bat As Administrator To Unpack/Rebuild ]
( Our Install.exe Does This Step For You )
Step-3:——-[ Click deponia2.exe To Play ]